School of Biological Sciences
The School of Biological Sciences (CCB) at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) was established in 1976, emerging from a pre-existing structure at the former School of Basic Studies (CEB). It carries out teaching, research, and outreach activities spanning various aspects of Life Sciences, including studies in Biology, Health, Agriculture, Animal Science, Biotechnology, and the Environment.
:: Department of Cell Biology, Embryology and Genetics (BEG)
:: Department of Biochemistry (BQA)
:: Department of Botany (BOT)
:: Department of Physiological Sciences (CFS)
:: Department of Ecology and Zoology (ECZ)
:: Department of Pharmacology (FMC)
:: Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology (MIP)
:: Department of Morphological Sciences (MOR)
Undergraduate Programs
:: Biological Sciences
:: Biological Sciences (distance learning)
Graduate Programs
:: Biochemistry | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Biology Education | professional master’s degree
:: Cell and Developmental Biology | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Biology of Fungi, Algae and Plants | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Biotechnology and Biosciences | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Ecology | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Environmental Crime Forensics | professional master’s degree
:: Neurosciences | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Pharmacology | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Pharmacology | professional master’s degree
:: Physiological Sciences | master’s | doctoral degree
You will find a list of CCB faculty members along with the staff members here.
Contact us
Contact the School of Biological Sciences at or +55 48 3721-9235.